Boiserie Riva srl

Boiserie Riva srl

The product line Boiserie Riva is brought to the market in 1980 by initiative of Giuseppe Riva utilising so many years of past craftsmen experience cumulated by the firm since it was established in the Twenties by Attilio Riva. Boiserie Riva brings the concept of boiserie at the very heart of the Riva’s activity . Wall covering, bookshelves, wardrobes, doors and all other furniture are produced and sold to fit the modern house. Tailor made work has taken advantage of the craftsman past experience almost to be brought to a point of art.

The word “boiserie” literally means in the French language “facing (covering) of a room’s walls with wood” . Boiserie was in fact in use to protect from the cold sent forth by the walls of the scarcely heated rooms in castles and mansions during the cold winter days. It was first used in France where vast and luxurious decorations were set in place and where through the centuries various styles were applied.
Today Boiserie Riva fits the request of different styles, making tailor made furniture pieces.